



91 out of 91 results

hummings (If we could see the lines of our connections, how clear would they be?), 2023-ongoing

Four days a week, on my way to my studio, I cross Zurich’s neighborhood of Altstetten, almost in a straight line. Through my ongoing project “If we could see the lines of our connections, how clear would they be?,” I explore and capture the interactions and proximities of living entities in this urban environment. By blurring the distinction between the different human, animal, and floral co-inhabitants of this rapidly changing neighborhood, my interest lies in our social and ecological connections.

colored flags (community garden policies), 2023-2024

Over the course of a year I documented the flags used for communication in a community garden in Zurich where I actively participate.  The garden is situated in a very central and densely populated area, serving as a convergence point for people of many different backgrounds. The flags allow a form of communication without words or contact and are essential for the functioning of the collaborative project.

Place de la Reine (les poteaux), 2016/2022

Series of nine photographs capturing the car poles on Place de la Reine in Brussels as they undergo the cycle of being knocked down and rebuilt. The images were taken from the window of the „atelier swiss“ studio where I spent a six-month artist residency. During my residency, the November 2015 Paris attacks occurred, which were carried out by the Brussels ISIL terror cell. Consequently, the terror alert level in the Brussels metropolitan area was raised to its highest level, and the Belgian government imposed a security lockdown on Brussels, leaving the streets empty during six days.

Great Experience, 2022

Series of six abstract black-and-white images capturing the sand formations found on a golf course in Cancún. On this particular golf course, those sand-filled depressions, known as „bunkers“ in golf, assume abstract shapes reminiscent of puddles, clouds, or lakes. They piqued my interest with their unexpected forms, appearing almost comical and starkly contrasting with the questions golf courses pose about territorial ownership and the environmental repercussions of water usage.

Michal Florence Schorro

Michal Florence Schorro (1987, CH) lives and works in Zurich.

In my works, I am interested in the structures of urban spaces; gardens as sites of community and social justice; and, more intimately, plants and places as carriers of memories and identity. Developed over an extended time period, I often work with extensive series of images that incorporate repetition. This allows me to reflect upon and experience themes such as processes of belonging and natural cycles.


Zurich, Zurich



  • 2024Werkbeitrag Bildende Kunst, Kanton Zürich
  • 2015Artist in Residence, Atelier Suisse, Bruxelles
  • 2014ProHelvetia, Promotion of aspiring photographers
  • Wallpaper Graduate directory


  • 2022Ordinary Man, Lausanne
  • 2021COMMUNITAS III, Kunsthaus Steffisburg
  • 2019Galerie terrain, Gruppenaustellung, Bern
  • 2018Exposition Format, Mont-Soleil
  • 2016Cantonale Bern Jura, Kunsthaus Langenthal
  • 2014Selection | Auswahl, Photoforum Pasquart, Biel
  • 18. Vfg Nachwuchsförderpreis
  • Bieler Fototage/Journées photographiques de Bienne, Biel/Bienne