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In god we trust - all others we monitor

« In god we trust – all others we monitor » is a work in progress research about the role of photography and data during the cold war era. As a photographer, I turned my interest in this devices specially created to takes photos: high altitude spy planes and reconnaissance satellites. For several years, I’ve collected materials like original aerial negatives from the US air force, declassified satellites pictures, companies archives and old press photos. I’m weaving a web by re-enacting this raw materials to create new pictures and a kind of new stories from these events.

Like a multi chapter stories, this serie is focused on several reading layers. Secrets who are not already secrets, image truth, cover stories and technical advances. Maybe chimeras of a vanished world, today reconnaissance planes and satellites are still in action, mapping the world in real time. The cold war is also back in the today world, with the Russian invasion in Ukraine.

Elements alpins

Déambulations environnantes

Guillaume Collignon

Guillaume Collignon graduated with a bachelor’s degree in photography from the Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne (ECAL) in 2010 followed by a master’s degree in art direction, photography in 2012. His works and research are mainly focused to landscape / spaces and the human interaction with it. In parallel, he investigates the role of photography and data in monitoring and reconnaissance, mainly during the cold war period in his long term on-going project called ‘In god we trust, all others we monitor’.


Lausanne, Vaud



  • 2023Du Nil au Léman, regards comtemporains, Musée d'art de Pully et Near, Pully, Suisse
  • 2020Biennale de la photographie de Mulhouse, This is the end, France
  • Near x LabElysée, Artificial Intersections, musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne, Suisse
  • 2018Near / stadio, Vevey Images, Vevey, Suisse
  • 2017Cold war studies, galerie contrecontre, St Maurice, Suisse
  • 2016carte blanche à Near, Biennale de photographie de Mulhouse, France
  • Là-haut, La Graineterie, centre d’art de la ville de Houilles, France
  • 2014Hike, Hack, Hic & Nunc, Xpo Gallery, Paris, France
  • Ghostbusters, les chasseurs de fantômes, Espace Verney-Carron, Lyon, France
  • 59e salon de Montrouge, Montrouge, France


  • 2022Les Others, Hors-Série 10 ans
  • 2021Les Others, Volume 14, Paradoxes