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My Travels Through The World On My Copy Machine

The illusion seems perfect; the mental journey into a believed reality has begun. Our suggestive perception draws pictures of picturesque landscapes, which in reality are all products of a commercially available copy machine.Various everyday materials such as crumpled paper, deformed plastic, Plexiglas, aluminium foils, flour, cotton wool and coffee grounds ect. are placed and multiple times rearranged on the glass cover of the copying machine to find the perfect composition.

In the process a plastic wrap becomes rippled water, sprinkled flour turns into stars and the imposing mountain range is actually only a piece of a crumbled thin silk paper piece, the idyllic beach a thin plastic bag and the impressive glacier a mere queuing of cotton balls. In addition I am pressing down or pulling up the copier lid, to control and adjust the lights and darks. Each landscape is taking as much as a week or as little as an hour to complete.

I capture these imaginary landscapes with my camera and thus transform them into a possible reality. The A3 black and white photocopies are then destroyed. For my travel trough the world with my copy machine I stay in my studio, and document my journey to distant lands where physically I could never travel to, but in my imagination I can go wherever I want.

(selection, the series consists of more then 60 images and has won the HSBC prix pour la photography 2019, Paris, FR)

Office day dreaming

Gefaltete Schatten belichtet (engl. folded shadows exposed)

In the series Folded Shadows Exposed, I pick up a theme that I have already been working on in 2011: the paper trompe l’oeil. At that time I photographed a folded sheet of paper, printed it out and then folded and unfolded the photograph again. In the series folded Shadows exposed, this process has been repeated several times until the final photograph has been produced. In this I explore the sculptural quality of specially illuminated glossy photo papers, whose bent corners can cast dramatic shadows or subtle shapes of grey. Only to be then, in the next stage of the process, be erased again by the reflecting lights on the glossy photo paper surface, doubled up, diverted or transformed by the new shadows that cast over the old. These resulting potentiated optical illusions beautifully illustrate the discrepancy between appearance and reality.

Blitzlichtskulpturen (engl. flashlight sculptures)

The series flashlight sculptures shows installations of mirror cubes, -plates and –pyramids that are positioned and staged in a corner. There are no lights coming neither from the outside nor from the surroundings of my studio. In this darkness, the camera is placed exactly in the middle in front of the mirror installation. Pressing the trigger button, the flashlight goes of and the mirrors reflect the flashlight of the camera onto the surrounding walls. These lights then resonate back onto the mirroring surfaces and connect the perspective forms and lines into an illusion. In that moment the real is pushed into the background and the flashlight sculpture visualizes itself. Made by the camera, hardly grasped by the eye and only captured by the camera, photography becomes the only witness of the flashlight sculptures existence.

(selection, the series consists of 8 flashlight sculptures images)

Rays of Light

In the series “Rays of Light” I reveal imaginary mountains, lakes and forests, which in reality are all reflections on the surface of a silver coated cardboard piece, that I have placed on asphalt and grassy areas, between parked cars, houses and industrial sites in the city of Zürich. By bending the material, the blurry reflection of a white house turns into a snow covered mountain, a trash bin transforms into a huge rock formation and the bronze coloured car behind me draws the lines of a sunset.

While the well-known physical surroundings transform into a two-dimensional reflected reality, the camera captures these continuously moving scenes and allows me to photograph fictitious landscapes. In doing so, a reality is portrayed that does not actually exist. The line between reality and illusion becomes blurry; the familiar loses its identity and challenges our perception of being and appearance.

Without digital manipulation, “Rays of Light” inspires a differentiated view and shows the city as a reflection of reality that transforms old structures into something new and exciting. While reflecting upon the depicted images, the shifting focus transports the viewer to an ever-changing world. The images are almost resembling a daydream – an escape out of our stressful everyday lives and the harsh environment we live in. Here ‘landscape’ is not only shown as such, but also represents a human inner world full of longing and hope.

(The series consists of approx. 50 photographs

The Presence of Absence

In the series ‘The Presence of Absence’, Dominique Teufen explores the sculptural quality of illuminated papers, whose curved or folded corners can cast dramatic shadows or create subtle grey shapes. The white frame plays a very important part to to enhance the images illusions. In doing so, she takes on a subject that she repeatedly explores: the paper trompe-l’œil. The brilliantly staged and photographed curves and edges pay homage to nothing less than light itself.

(selection, the series consists so fare of 7 images)

Dominique Teufen

Born in Davos, Dominique Teufen completed her BA in sculpture at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy Amsterdam in 2002. In the following years she lived, worked and exhibited her work in Melbourne, Zurich, London and New York. In 2010 she received her MA of Fine Arts at the Academy for Art and Design St. Joost in S’Hertogenbosch Holland. Teufen has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions around the world, including the Christophe Guye Gallery Zurich CH, Musée des Beaux Arts La chaux-de-Fonds CH, Photofestival Image Vevey, IG Halle Kunst(Zeug)Haus Rapperswil CH, Kunsthalle Wil / St. Gallen CH, the Central Museum in Utrecht NL, the Photography Biennale in Bogota and the Fries Museum in Leeuwarden NL. Her work was also shown in the NRW Forum Düsseldorf, the Museum for Photography Berlin and the Kunsthalle Darmstadt, as part of the anniversary program ‘100 Years of Bauhaus’, in the exhibition ‘Bauhaus and Photography’ 2018/2019. To date, she has received numerous awards, including the Vfg. young Talent Award for Photography 2013, the Lensculture Emerging Talent Award 2018 and the HSBC Photography Award in 2019.



Zürich, Zurich



  • 2019HSBC Photography Award, Paris, France
  • 2018Lensculture Emerging Talent Award
  • 2016Swiss Photo Award (Shortlist), Zürich, Switzerland
  • 4th André-Evard-Preis (Nomination), Messmer Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • 2014OBLICK young photographers award (Nomination), Strasbourg, France
  • 2013Vfg young photographers award (Winner), Zürich, Switzerland
  • Meyer-lustenberger/Lachenal prize (Winner) Zürich, Schwitzerland


  • 2024Stalla Madulain, Sommerausstellung, Engadin, CH
  • 2023Jahresausstellung Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, CH
  • 2022Together. La Vie ensemble., Images Vevey, CH
  • 2021Paris Photo, Christophe Guye Galerie, Paris FR
  • Nuit de la Photo, la Chaux-de-Fonds, CH
  • A La Une, Musée des Beaux Arts La Chaux-de-Fonds, CH (Solo exhiibition)
  • Photo London, Christophe Guye Galerie, UK
  • Gibellina Image, Fotofestival, Gibellina, Sizilien IT
  • 2020The Presence of Absence, Christophe Guye Galerie, Zurich, Ch (Solo Exhibition)
  • Weit, IG Halle im Kunst(Zeug)Haus, Rapperswil, CH
  • Stá, Stalla Madulain, Engadin CH
  • PEP (Paris Expériences Photo) Metro : l’image d’auteur dans l’espace public, Paris FR
  • 2019Paris Photo, Galerie Christophe Guye, Paris FR
  • Sterne? Kopierter Staub, Kunstraum Au Premier, Zurich, Ch (Solo exhibition)
  • Galerie Voies-off, HSBC Prix pour la photographie, Recontres d’Arles Fr (Duo exhibition)
  • Fotografie Museum Berlin, Bauhaus und die Fotografie, DE
  • 2018NRW Forum Düsseldorf, Bauhaus und die Fotografie, Düsseldorf DE
  • Fries Museum, Phantom Limb-art beyond Escher, Leeuwarden NL
  • Klompching Gallery, Lensculture Emerging Talents, New York City USA
  • Fries Museum, ‘phantom limb _art beyond Escher’, Leeuwarden the Netherlands
  • 2017Fotomuseum Bogota, Foto-Biennale Bogota, Colombia
  • 2016Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie, Darmstadt DE
  • Kunstraum Aarau, ‘Graubereich’, Aarau, Switzerland (solo exhibition)
  • 2015Kunsthalle Wil, ‘Réverie mimetique’, Wil / St.Gallen, Switzerland (solo exhibition)
  • Christophe Guye Galerie, ‘entfaltet’, Zürich, Switzerland (solo exhibition)


  • Art & and Photography, Taipeh, Taiwan, As Real as It Gets_ Encountered Landscapes Text by Hsu Szu Ying
  • 2021OFF CAMERA, Roma Publication, Editor: Steven Humblet
  • 2020B/W MAGAZIN, Dominique Teufen's Imaginäre Weltreise, text by Patrick Brakowsky
  • RÉPONSES PHOTO, Dominique Teufen – Images, voyages, paysages... mirages
  • LE TEMPS, Dominique Teufen – les doutes du photojournalisme, text by Philippe Chassepot
  • KULTURTIPP, Die Verheissungen der grenzenlosen Weite
  • 2019TALKING PICTURES, Dominique Teufen: Photographs In the Mind's Eye, text by Alasdair Foster
  • ON THIS DATE IN PHOTOGRAPHY, How deeply does Modernism reflect into contemporary art? Text by James McArdle
  • MONOGRAFIE, My Travels Through The World On My Copy Machine, Editions Xavier Barall Paris
  • FISHEYE MAGAZINE, My Travels Through The World On My Copy Machine, Text by Eric Karsenty
  • BAUHAUS AND PHOTOGRAPHY, 110 jahre Bauhaus Deutschland, Ausstellungskatalog
  • 2016PROJEKTION - FOTOGRAFISCHE BEHAUPTUNGEN, Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie, Ausstellungskatalog
  • Caveng, Lucia, ‘Sein und Schein_für einmal Schwarz weiss’, Bündner Tagblatt, 06/2015
  • 2015Lampart, Christof, ‘Nichts ist, was es zu sein scheint’, Wiler Zeitung, 06/2015
  • 2014Ammann, Katharina, ‘Ansichten - Gespiegeltes Licht ins Bild’, gebannt, Kunstbulletin 5/2014,
  • Ammann, Katharina, ‘1 Bild und 1000 Zeichen’, Bündner Tagblatt 03/2014
  • 201317. Vfg. Nachwuchsförderpreis der Fotografie Schweiz, Ausstellungskatalog ​
  • Noll, Ute, ‘Blitzlichtgewitter’, PHOTOGRAPHIE 11/2013