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Goûter au vent

At the start of the 21st century, we are riding a wave of profound cultural and identity mutations in our human ways of being in the world.
Biologist Lia Rosso, in her 2019 book Nature Within Us, points out that, despite appearances, we are made of the same substances as the smallest bacteria and the tallest trees that reach for the sky. However, in the West, an illusion of separation has crept into our imaginations, perhaps born of the need to assuage our existential fears as creatures of nature, subject to its laws and by definition mortal.
This illusion persists, sustained by our fears, but the confrontation of our lifestyles with ecological limits implores us to rediscover a sense of humility about our place on Earth. How to unite without confusing and distinguish without separating becomes the crucial question. Can art, as a raw experience of the senses, offer clues to the answers? “Goûter au vent” is an artistic and sensory exploration of our complex relationship with nature.
Through this photographic work, the artist embarks on an introspective quest, seeking to reestablish lost links with nature, while questioning his own identity and the fundamental questions of his existence. Solitary immersion in various natural environments becomes a contemplative meditation,
exploring the subtle nuances of nature to capture its essence.
This approach takes on a collective dimension when shared with family, particularly the artist’s brothers, exploring places imbued with memory and revealing traces of past moments. At the same time, the photographer travels to sites where nature is struggling for survival, bearing witness to the battles between man and his environment. Each image thus becomes a visual meditation, a slow, immersive exploration of our complex relationship with nature.
Through this artistic approach, “Goûter au vent” transcends the simple act of photo- graphing. It is a profound quest, at once personal and universal, seeking to (re)find a balance with nature and to probe the depths of our memories. Each meticulously-captured snapshot becomes a window onto self-understanding and the rediscovery of our place within the global eco-system.
If everything is interconnected, embracing this experience for oneself is immediately carrying it forward for others. Cultivating curiosity about what will emerge means opening up new fields.
Isn’t that simply the courage to be?


La forêt de Peiloz, once considered haunted, has long been the setting for myths and legends of all kinds. Today, it is, among other things, the playground of skier Maude Besse. Now the witch of this place, the forest inhabiting and inspiring her in the practice of her sport.

This series is the result of a residency in Bruson hosted by the Palp Festival. 10 artists were invited to take part in the “Secrets” exhibition. The project was carried out in collaboration with near.

Arthur Lehmann

Arthur Lehmann (1993) is gratuated from the Photography School of Vevey (CEPV) in 2012 and from ECAL in 2019.
Through his work, Arthur is particularly interested in the relationship between humans and their environment, whether urban or wilder. His questions are often approached through a family prism.

Arthur is a member of the Strates photography collective, co-founder of Galerie Strates and founder of Nichette publishing house.


Chavornay, Vaud



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  • 2023Pollen Festival, Sion
  • 2022Imaginaires Vibrants, Visarte, Espace Arlaud, Lausanne
  • Near. x Palp, Les secrets du Val de Bagnes, Bruson
  • Zone à Défendre/Zone à Désirer, Espace Noir, Saint-Imier
  • 2021#ArtisteDici, Ville de Lausanne, Lausanne
  • 2019Ecal Diplômes 2019, ECAL, Lausanne
  • 2018Gemmologies, Work’n’Share, Lausanne
  • Credo, Espace Arlaud, Lausanne
  • HyperMediaLab, Cosmos Arles Books, Arles
  • 2017Corps Concept, Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon-les-Bains


  • 2024J’ai bouturé le saule crevette, textes, David Gagnebin & Arthur Lehmann, éd. Haus am Gern
  • 2023Promener les chiens, textes images, éditions Nichette
  • 2020T Magazine, february
  • 2019Novembre Magazine, issue 14
  • 2016Sept, issue 11